How to make kraft packaging box

Fri Feb 11 21:21:52 CST 2022


   Kraft paper usually maintains its yellowish-brown color and is suitable for bags and wrapping paper. Depending on the nature and use, kraft paper has various uses. Kraft paper is a general term for a kind of paper, and there is no certain specification. Generally, it is classified according to its nature and use. He can make all kinds of products.



How to make kraft packaging box? What is the manufacturing process of kraft packaging box? For example, the advantages and the best answer for the process description are recommended by the questioner. The anonymous user kraft packaging box is favored by everyone because of its environmental protection characteristics. Especially, almost all European countries are using kraft packaging box. So what are the practices of kraft packaging box? species.



1. Small kraft packaging box 5261 box, generally this kind of box is large in quantity and widely used, because many businesses require this kind of kraft packaging box to be cheap and durable, usually this kind of kraft packaging box is formed by machine, and the machine is attached with rope. , entirely machine-operated.



2. The 4102 practice of medium-sized kraft packaging box, under normal circumstances, medium-sized kraft packaging box is a kraft packaging box that is made by machine and then manually pasted with ropes. Because the current domestic kraft packaging box forming equipment is formed The size is limited, and the kraft packaging box rope sticking machine can only stick the rope of the smaller tote box, so the practice of kraft packaging box is limited by the machine. There is no way for many boxes to be produced by the machine alone.




3. The big box has a reverse kraft packaging box and a thicker yellow kraft packaging box. The practice of these kraft packaging boxes should be made by hand. At present, there is no special machine that can solve the forming of these kraft packaging boxes in China. It can be made by hand. The production cost of this type of kraft packaging box is high, and the quantity will not be large.




4. No matter which kraft packaging box above, if the quantity is not large enough, it is generally made by hand, because the machine-made kraft packaging box has a large loss, and there is no way to solve the small quantity of kraft packaging box.