The birth of Kit Kat and luxury chocolate boxes packaging

Wed Aug 10 21:54:43 CST 2022    

1. Kit Kat was born and his luxury chocolate boxes packaging:


Kit Kat was born in 1935. Four years later, in 1939, World War II broke out. If we use a human analogy, we can say that the war started when Kit Kat was a child. The new KitKat had a very luxurious chocolate boxes packaging. At that time, the whole of Britain entered the wartime system. Manufacturers of cocoa drinks and chocolate, including the Rowtree Company, and distributors, together in the early 1940s, formed Become the cocoa beverage and chocolate management committee, which is under the management of the food department, and also has a special management committee.



2. War made luxury chocolate boxes packaging simplified:


After the war began, the retail price of food soared due to lack of raw materials. In May 1941, the price of chocolate products provided to the public was regulated, and companies were required to apply for their own control objects. If there were changes, they must also be recorded in the file. Rountree Company applied for "Chocolate Crisp Kit Kat" as a control object. In this context, luxury chocolate boxes packaging can only be simplified into a piece of paper. In the meeting materials of the committee held in June, there is a list of the applied products, In the remarks column, Rountree will name the product simply "Kit Kat".



3. "Kit Kat" luxury chocolate boxes packaging "Blue Age"


When it comes to "Kit Kat", many people think of luxury chocolate boxes packaging. However, Kit Kat also had a "Blue Age" when the luxury chocolate boxes were packaged in blue, which happened during World War II.



4. Luxury chocolate boxes packaging's call to peace:


In 1942, the real object of blue luxury chocolate boxes packaging is shown in the picture above. It reads "Chocolate Crisp, which was offered in peacetime, cannot be produced today due to insufficient milk for making chocolate, and Kit Kat, which is offered now, is made on the basis of available raw materials that can be mobilized, and the two have a similar taste. ” The luxury chocolate boxes packaging also notes that the food is not “Chocolate Crisp” made with insufficient raw materials, but only “Kit Kat”. The blue luxury chocolate boxes only have the word "Kit Kat" written on them, which also reflects the "winter era", or "war period", when even the raw materials of chocolate could not be fully guaranteed. There are also four words "peacetime" on the packaging of luxury chocolate boxes. When eating chocolate, people also hope that the peacetime can come back as soon as possible. The name "Kit Kat" was separated from "Chocolate Crisp" and used alone, starting in 1941 during the war. There was a slogan at the time: "This is the source of energy that everyone needs." It has survived because Kit Kat is one of the food rations.



5. luxury chocolate boxes packaging is the most intuitive image of chocolate presented to the public


When it comes to chocolate, we have to mention its luxury chocolate boxes packaging. Luxury chocolate boxes packaging is the most intuitive image of chocolate presented to the public. In many cases, customers decide whether to buy chocolate only based on luxury chocolate boxes packaging. This places high demands on the design of luxury chocolate boxes packaging.



6. Appreciation of luxury chocolate boxes packaging:


So what kind of luxury chocolate boxes packaging can make you unforgettable, or even fall in love at first sight? Let's take a look at those delicious and delicate luxury chocolate boxes packaging!




7. Straight to cool luxury chocolate boxes packaging:


The first to focus on is the creative studio Happycentro in Rovina, Italy, who made a straightforward to cool luxury chocolate boxes packaging for the organic original chocolate brand Crude.



8. Concise geometric figures show the exquisite atmosphere of luxury chocolate boxes packaging


Crude chocolate only contains two ingredients, cocoa and sugar. According to the different proportions of cocoa contained, it is divided into four flavors. In order to express the purity of the materials, Happycentro only chooses luxury chocolate boxes packaging of two materials: the box body is made of cheap and simple kraft paper, and the hot metal foil with gorgeous visual sense is used to directly mark the percentage of cocoa, corresponding to four different flavors. Four different colors of luxury chocolate boxes packaging have been carefully designed, from bright red to cool gray, and the concise geometric figures show the exquisite atmosphere of luxury chocolate boxes packaging.



9. Strong visual impact luxury chocolate boxes packaging:


The color printing inside the box makes the luxury chocolate boxes packaging have a stronger visual impact when opened, and the luxury chocolate boxes packaging adopts one-piece molding, which is convenient for customers to open and saves costs.