Wed Dec 28 12:16:12 CST 2022
In the previous part, for you to explain the amazon gift box packaging model creation method
About amazon gift box packaging materials, rendering, animation, and other settings are relatively simple, omitted not to say
This tutorial directly explain how to set up amazon gift box packaging effects in AE
and how to set the amazon gift box packaging animation in PS as a gif
I am using After Effects CC and Photoshop CC version
If you are using a version of software lower than CC
Some tools may be different
Before making the amazon gift box packaging exercise, you need to download the material file first
After creating the amazon gift box packaging model, and setting up the materials, rendering, and animation, the output avi format animation is shown below.
We first set the glow and metal border of amazon gift box packaging in AE
Then we will export the amazon gift box packaging as a new avi animation.
The method of setting up amazon gift box packaging effects in AE is more similar to PS
Both are achieved by overlaying amazon gift box packaging layers.
First open After Effects CC, double click on the blank space under the amazon gift box packaging "Project" panel
In the "Import File" dialog box that pops up, open the "amazon gift box packaging material" folder in the "amazon gift box packaging sequence" folder of the material file "folder
Select any one of the amazon gift box packaging images
Make sure the "Targa sequence" amazon gift box packaging checkbox is selected
Click the "Import" button to import the image sequence.
This will bring up the "Explain Material" dialog box
Use the default settings and click the "OK" button to exit the dialog box.
amazon gift box packaging image sequence will appear in the "Project" panel
and information about it will be displayed.
You can see that the frame rate is 30 frames per second
and we need to set the frame rate to 25 frames per second.
The amazon gift box packaging animation we see is actually a continuous set of frames
amazon gift box packaging frame rate of 30 means that the animation plays 30 frames per second.
In the amazon gift box packaging "Project" panel, right click on the name of the imported image sequence.
In the pop-up shortcut menu, select the "Explain Material"/"Main" command.
Open the amazon gift box packaging "Explain Material" dialog box
Type 25 in the "Assume this frame rate" parameter field to set the frame rate to 25.
Then click the "OK" button to exit the dialog box.
Now you need to create a new amazon gift box packaging composite to edit the file.
In the menu bar, execute the "Composite"/"New Composite" command.
Open the amazon gift box packaging "Compose Settings" dialog box
Set the name, size, frame rate and time of the new composite amazon gift box packaging with reference to the following figure.
Click the "OK" button when the settings are finished
Exit the dialog box and create a new composite.
We set the amazon gift box packaging size, frame rate and time to match the imported animation.
Drag the amazon gift box packaging image sequence to the new composite.
Each file added to the composite will be on a separate layer.
Next you need to edit the colors of the amazon gift box packaging video.
Drag the "Brightness and Contrast" effect into the amazon gift box packaging image sequence in the "Color Correction" column of the "Effects and Presets" panel.
Set the brightness and contrast parameters to 15 and 10, respectively.
Drag the amazon gift box packaging "Hue/Saturation" effect to the image sequence
Set the "Main Saturation" parameter to 30.
Now the colors of amazon gift box packaging video are more vivid.
Next you need to set the glow effect in the amazon gift box packaging
Import the "golden" file from the downloaded footage
and drag it to the upper layer of the amazon gift box packaging image sequence in the composite
amazon gift box packaging as a golden spot animation.
Add the "brightness and contrast" effect and "hue/saturation" effect to the amazon gift box packaging video and set their parameters
Now amazon gift box packaging golden glow spread throughout the screen
And we need to make the amazon gift box packaging glow appear only in the right places
The amazon gift box packaging effect can be achieved using a mask.
Import the image sequence from the "glow" folder in the "amazon gift box packaging material" folder of the downloaded material.
Set its frame rate to 25 frames per second to synchronize it with the amazon gift box packaging animation time
Then drag it to the upper layer of the video.
Play the animation and you can see that the animation is a mask for the amazon gift box packaging glow.
Don't ask me how this amazon gift box packaging mask is made
The process is too complicated, too tired to write a script, so do not speak
I'm in charge of my own place, that's how arbitrary!